Friday, December 2, 2011

A #3 Must Have for Fall

#3-A Great Colorful Purse.
Here in this picture are some beautiful fun color ones from Michael Kors.
I love these vivid fun color and the soft Leather texture.
I also love the size and they're versatile, you can carry it on your arms or shoulder.
Really cool ha!

I saw them at Macy's, and Macy's is also having the Friends and Family Sale.
It's an additional 25% off everything in the Store.
On all purses, especially the name brand ones that barely goes on Sale.
They only have this Sale twice a year.
So, you should take an advantage of it, if you want a really nice purse.

Of course it doesn't have to be this one, OR an expensive name brand one either.
I'm just trying to give you some ideas and examples ok!
Always remember this, "The best one -is the one you can afford"
But if it's possible invest in a good quality one.
I prefer to invest in "One" good one than to have a lot but "none is worth one".

I like the medium size ones.
The small ones: are too tiny to carry-along our daily woman's gadgets :-))*
The large ones are too big: way to bulky, and, the more room we got the more things we gonna wanna carry along :-)) and, our poor little shoulder will be paying for it. Right?

So, go ahead have fun with it, get your favorite bag and enjoy whatever Color you pick. But try a different color that you normally wouldn't. You'll love it.

" Many women do noble things, but you surpass them all" Proverbs 31:29


  1. Funny blog, It is true about carrying big bags and putting a whole bunch of things inside. thanks for the tip. I need more door to my closet. Will get a colorful bag next. Thanks

  2. A colorful bag is a must have in every woman's closet.
    It's an accessory on it's own!
    You can pull any outfit with a beautiful colorful bag.
    You can wear a pair of jeans and a simple T-shirt, throw a pretty colorful bag on your shoulder and Voila!!!


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