Monday, April 2, 2012

What Dominates Your Closet, Basics or Trends?

Are you a Follower or a Leader?
If you live by Fashion/Trends alone, you are a follower!!!
But if you can capture the momentary Fashion and in-cooperate it with your personal Style and your Basics then you are a Leader!!!

For example:
This Spring is all about Orange color. So make sure to refresh your closet by adding something Orange for your Spring look.

I love Orange, its pretty, girly and fun, but that doesn't mean my whole closet will be Orange this Spring?!
I'll be wearing it for sure, but wount be wearing Everything Orange just because it's in.
I'll be in-corporating it with my Basics and make it my own personal Style.

And I will definitely not be spending a whole lot money on it because it's a passing by Fashion Trend. In today ~ out tomorrow!

Once you discover your personal taste together with your Wardrobe Basics it'll be your Style and yours alone.
Trends comes and goes but Basics are the 'Le must haves' in everyone's closet.
Basics clothing are the never outdated solid color pieces that you can mix and match, and that can take you from day to night with just a few adjustments.

We all know that Fashion/Trend is for now, a follow the crowd, someone else's idea and personality. "The" momentary must have look that everyone is wearing.

There's nothing wrong with Trends but they are a momentary fun, like a passing cloud.
You should never spend a lot of money on these looks, because they neither last nor define who you are and they're in today and out tomorrow.

If you spend a lot of money on them you'll have lots of clothes that simply covers you, but nothing to wear that specifies who you are as an individual person with taste and personality. You'll always have people judging you by your appearance and wonder who you really are!

Unless you want people to judge and assume who you are ~ you need to start developing your own personal and unique Style that defines you, that's yours and yours alone, and will last for life.

A Personal Style together with your great Wardrobe Basics is a lifelong look.
No matter how difficult it is for you to find yourself and your Style, no matter how hard it hides from you, you should never give up searching.You should look and search for it till you find, because once you find it, it'll be yours and yours alone for life. It's worth it!

Basics are the essential in everyone's wardrobe.
Basics gives you class and personality that can take you any where; places that Trendy clothes wont.

Like I said, there's nothing wrong with Trendy Styles, but before you spend your money on Trendy clothing make sure your Wardrobe Basics are all set. Otherwise you'll end-up with lots of clothes but nothing to wear.

For example on your next clothes shopping:
1- Before you pick an Orange dress, make sure you have, your little Black and your pretty romantic Red Dress.  

2- Before you pick an Orange pant, make sure you have your beautiful perfect fit, good fabric solid Black and Navy Blue ones.

3- Before picking some pretty Orange blouses, make sure you have some nice crispy plain and ruffles White blouses.

4- Before picking some fun Orange shoes, make sure you have a nice comfortable fitting beautiful plain solid Black and Natural color pumps and Sandals that can be worn with everything.

5- Before picking a fun Orange color Jacket or Blazer, make sure you have a beautiful Black or Dark Brown leather Jacket, a nice Black or Navy Blue Blazer that can be dressed-up or down with anything in your closet.

Basic first! Got it?

"Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it". 
Matthew 7:13-14

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