Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Trends Comes and Goes ~ Style is Forever

Fashion/Trends are in today and out tomorrow ~  but Style is forever.

Black is a #1 Wardrobe Basics that every woman should have. 
But that doesn't mean your whole closet should be Black!
It's beautiful, but it can also be dark and depressing if you make it your everyday head to toes look!
Trend comes and goes every year ~ so how can one cope with it!    

If you take hold of these 12 simple steps, you should have no problems.

#1- First utmost rule, is that you should always remember as taste is better than money ~ Style is better than Trends.  

#2-The second utmost important thing is to make sure you keep your principals in mind so you don't lose your self in the sake of Fashion.

#3- You must know what kind of clothes is appropriate for the job you do and what or whom you represent.

#4- You must know your body type ~ what makes you feel feminine, pretty, and flares your body but still in an appropriate manner.

#5- With your likes and dislikes in mind, you should still have an open mind to try something new, something not your self once in a while, you might be surprise.

#6- Don't never judge an outfit by the look of if and assume that you don't like it or it wont look good on you. Try it on! The worse that can happen is, you don't like, take it off and leave it in the store! 
How painful is that?  

 #7- The chance is, you could be missing out on a great looking outfit, just because you're too obstinate to let go of your ego or your outdated Style. 

 #8- Just because everyone else is wearing something, it doesn't mean you should be wearing it too.  

#9-Just because the mannequins are wearing it in the stores, doesn't mean you should be  wearing it too!

#10-Before following the momentary Trends ~ make sure you have your Wardrobe Basics in hand. 

#11-Don't spend too much money on the passing buy Fashion/Trends, invest on a great Wardrobe Basics, so you can incorporate the new passing by trend with your Basics.

#12-Always remember not everyone has the same body type, same taste or principals, so why have the same look? Everyone is different!

Many woman asks:
With so many Styles and Colors to pick from ~ where are we suppose to start?

#1-Start with the colors you like
#2-Styles and cuts that fits your body 
#2- If you're a petit, maintain your dress/skirt above your knee or long to your ankle, this length elongates you and makes you look taller.

"In the same way, on the outside you appear to people as righteous but on the inside you are full of hypocrisy and wickedness". Matthew 23:28


1 comment:

  1. I absolutely love your blog mom, but am waiting for you to get into more on how to do each different hairstyle. I love style and it is amazing how you are teaching all this stuff. but even more than fashion I would like to know how I can do each different hairstyle. What styles look good and how to actually do it. That would be really helpful please...


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