Monday, February 13, 2012

How to Have Your Own Defined Identity Style

A Define person is not Doubtful 
Definition is the key of life!
An undefined person is a doubtful person that doesn't know what they want.
To be a Defined person is to have your own individual personality and taste.
A Defined person is a person that knows exactly what they want.

A Define person is a person that is not afraid to take risks or decisions wether is in their Spiritual Life or Lifestyle.
A Define person don't be wavering before two decisions or asking others for their opinions  They just go with their guts ~ if it works fine ~ if it doesn't, well at least they'll learn what not to do.  

Same law applies for Fashion: Definition
When you're a Defined person you may admire a person's Style ~ but you'll be able to capture the idea and turn it around and make it your own.
A Defined person is a Detailed person from head to toe.

Definition is a #1 thing that guarantees your look to be Flawless.
In order for your Fashion Style to be Flawless ~ you must know where you want to go with it.

Before getting dressed Define ~ Decide on what's gonna be your Statement Piece.   
Is it:
a)- your hair
b)- your make-up
c)-or your clothes

Pick one to be your Statement:
1-Statement is the most Dramatic one that calls attention
2-If you define your Style from head to toes ~ the attention will be in the good way
3-without self Definition you'll get lost in the Fashion world

"An anxious heart weighs a man down, but a kind word cheers him down". 
Proverbs 12:25  


  1. thanks for these tips, i will surly put it into practice.

  2. Hi Tay-Tay nice to meet you.
    If it helped you than I'm happy.
    If we can take the fear and concerns of failures Fashion can really be fun.


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