Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Is It A Fashion Mistakes or A Defense Mechanism

What should I do?

Am I living under a simple fashion mistake, a denial or a defense mechanism? 
Should I fix my fashion mistakes, get out of my denial, or should I go into a defense mechanism? Now that's the million dollar question?

Who doesn't like to look good? 
Every human being caries a desire to look good, it's in our genes. 
You should never rely on Media, Magazines or TV shows about fashion produce to rule your lifestyle or wardrobe. Remember those clothes are for models whose jobs are to starve themselves to death in order to be a size "0", and not to mention how extremely overpriced they are!

First impression is based on your appearance! Not your Talent! We have to admit, in today's society ~ clothes does matter. So be smart and make the right choices, so people can judge you for whom you really are. There's no shame in making a fashion mistake. We've all done it, even the celebrities have been know to do it. It's just a bad judgement of the moment, nothing else! So, you just learn from it and move on to a better choice.

What's Fashion Mistake:
➩ following the crowd 
depending on other people's opinions
buying what ever you find just because it's on Sale
being slaves to what media and magazine fashion dictates
slaves of so called, high fashion, anti-fashion, counter-culture fashion, suburban mom fashion, etc   
always stretching your money to buy as many pieces as you can, you'll have lots of  clothes but nothing good to wear

Showing too much skin 

I like Toni Braxton but showing too much skin is neither pretty nor sexy!!!
Just because celebrities does it - it doesn't make it right.  Sorry, but it makes you look cheap and easy...

Muffin Tops

They are not attractive at all!
If you like low-rise jeans make sure it fits properly. Whenever you have these "love handles" bulging out, it means your jeans are too tight. Go a size over, believe or not, you'll look much better. It's not sexy, it makes your legs look shorter and your waist chunkier. I don't think any woman likes that. To me that's a fashion mistake, because it's hurting your beautiful feminine physique.  

Being stuck In The Past

Lets face it, we all had a specific period in our lives that we loved our bodies, the size we wore, or the trend of the moment. But we have to acknowledge that everything in life changes. Fashion as well as our bodies. We cannot be stuck in the past. We need to readjust our tastes and styles, by experimenting few shapes and cuts. If you stay stuck in the past it will definitely hold you back from new experiences and looking your best.

Ill Fitting Clothes:

Too big or too small, they are  both unattractive. 
They both make you look bad.
Don't hide you beautiful shape on the extra folds of your clothes, and don't try to squeeze yourself into something that don't fit you - it makes you look like a sausage!
The purpose of your clothes are to flatter you- by showing your beautiful feminine curves.

Over Accessorize

Believe or not, there is something as too much!
I absolutely love statement pieces, they bring life to any outfit. 
You can wear a simple jeans and T-shirt, by simply adding some statement jewelry pieces, you're stylish. Over-doing it, however, is neither stylish nor sexy. It's a mess. 
It's definitely a fashion mistake!

Proper underwear


To me panty-lines are the most annoying fashion mistakes!
 An ill fitting underware can ruin your entire outfit, and not to mention how unattractive and unpleasant it is. Nobody want to see your G-string or the color of your underware! That's why it's called underware. It's suppose to be under!

What's Defense Mechanism:
Defense mechanism is a shield we put up to protect ourselves from things that we don't want to talk about or deal with. It's either we know its wrong, but we're too proud to admit it - or we think its too hard and bothersome, so we prefer not to deal with it.  So we shift into a defense mechanism such as:
to think that just your natural beauty is enough
to think that just your performance at work is enough
 to think that fashion is lame, overrated, unnecessary and just a waste of money
 to allow the concept of fashion to rob you of it's enjoyment or overwhelm you to the point of doing nothing to better  yourself 
to go into a Defense Mechanism because you don't know what to do with fashion
acting like everyone is jealous of you,  that everyone is wrong except you, etc, etc, etc...

"The heart is deceitful about all things, and desperately sick; who can understand it?" Jeremiah 17:9

Monday, April 7, 2014

How To Know If I Have A Diamond Face

How do I know if I have a Diamond shape-face?
Well, I'm gonna try to make this as simple as possible.

Stand in front of a mirror and pull your hair back, if you're a Diamond,

Your face basically looks like an egg.
Both of my daughters have diamond  shape faces; they have beautiful prominent cheekbones.

It's easy! Look at these shapes.

Draw one on a sheet of paper and cut it out. Now standing in front of a mirror, place it on your face and see if it matches the shape of your face.
If you are a diamond, your hairline is narrow, and your jawline comes to a point at your chin. Meaning your cheekbones are wider than your chin and your forehead.

A Diamond shape-face is beautiful.
In order for you hair cut or style to fit the shape of your face perfectly, first you need to know what's your face shape! it's difficult to decide on a hair style, if you don't know what suits your face! Right?

So, what's the best hair style for you?
I'll make it as simple as possible:
Keep your hair loose and don't let it hug your face. Simple as that!

You can style your hair any way you like it, smooth waves, messy texture waves like beach waves, pin straight, or even lots of crazy curls, they can all look good on you with some small adjustments. What adjustments you may ask? You have beautiful cheekbones, why cover it?
So, the less hair you have on your face the prettier you'll look.

Long Bob 
Just like Kiera Knightley looks great on your beautiful diamond shape face.

Deep side part and push back

If you find it difficult to keep your hair to stay in place, use some mousse at the root before you blow-dry. Also try a zig-zag or a diagonal part instead of straight up, that will help to balance the weight of your hair and help it to stay in place better.

My daughters both have diamond shape faces, Elsie looks amazing here with her long soft bang

Soft draping gentle bangs, and straight across lightly layered fringe like these ones will look great on you.

Long sleek layers
Just like Jennifer Aniston will look great on you

This cut/style is perfect for a diamond or square face shape.
Lots of loose layers keep a diamond face shape open and out of the face.

Ponytails & Updos
Ponytails looks great on you,  weather it's high, low or center.
Remember "The" more push back your hair is- the prettier you look

High, low, center or side ways- they all look great on you.

All you need to do is to add a soft bang and Voíla!

What to avoid:
Avoid heavy bangs
Avoid conehead styles, meaning too much volume at the top of your head.

Too much volume at the top of your head makes you look like an 'egghead' that's what my daughters use to call it when they were small. Whenever I use to style their hair in the ways they didn't like it, they use to cry and said: you made me look --- like an egghead!!! :-)))

Please let me know if these informations were helpful to you, or if you have any more doubts or questions I would like to hear from you.

" But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsoffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law". Galatians 5:22-23

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